Tuesday, 29 April 2014

The first of hopefully many blogs!

The first of hopefully many blogs!  An mere introduction!

Mummy McC is always busy, four children at home and a fair few mindees!  It's Mummy McC's job and SHE LOVES IT!  Mummy McC gets to be at home with her children and still earn some money too.  It doesn't make her a fortune, but enough to keep going.  Mummy McC is so, so lucky that her wonderful husband, Daddy McC, works at home with her - an unpaid volunteer!

Today, for example, Mummy McC has two little mindees at home, Daddy McC has gone to collect the youngest McC and another mindee and we are expecting another mindee to be dropped off shortly.  Mummy McC will then nip out to pick up another mindee and the minding for little ones is full for a while!  As it is Tuesday, the after school pick up will be interesting as it's a trip to a soft play centre - wonder how many children we will have then.  Plus, the eldest McC child has a £20 singing lesson this week too.

Three mindees are definitely here till 20:00 - parents who work shifts mean early or late hours for Mummy and Daddy McC.  Lucky for the McC children that Daddy McC can do bath and bedtime whilst Mummy McC does mindees quiet times!

Thanks for reading!  Some days might be boring, but hopefully you'll all enjoy what Mummy McC does!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to get it going and kinda get into the habit of doing it often! x
