Thursday, 15 May 2014

Daddy McC's birthday celebrations!

Monday 12th May - Daddy McC's birthday!!!

All the McC children were ready for school and waiting eagerly for Daddy McC to come down to this!

WOW!  Super special surprises from McC 1, McC 2, McC 3 and McC 4 and of course a few special gifts from Mummy McC!  Happy Daddy McC!!!

Next came some gifts from Mummy McC's brother (who happens to share his birthday with Daddy McC, strange) sister-in-law and neice, Mummy McC's sister and nephew and Nannan and Grandad B.  McC 2 and McC 3 were very excited to see a £20 note inside Daddy McC's card!!!

Next was the gift from Nanny S (Daddy McC's Mum).  Such a large and heavy gift - so yummy!!!  Mummy McC said that all could share this gift!!!

Lovely chilled day, not much on (a few to collect at Nursery and after School) and then a party tea!!!  Daddy McC was joined by Mummy McC, all the McC children, three mindees and K & D - celebrations!!!  Enough food to feed everyone???

CAKE TIME!!!  Wooooohooooooo - Chocolate Orange Swirl!!!

Chill out night, with a bit of comedy on the television, a nice cold Cidre for Daddy McC in his new glass - what a brilliant day 1 of celebrations!!!

Tuesday 13th May - let's continue the celebrations!!!

Mummy McC took Daddy McC out for breakfast after the school run!!!  It is not very often that Mummy McC and Daddy McC have no children with them (McC's or mindees, there's normally somebody!!!)

A bit of shopping followed - new games and books were checked out, but not purchased (Daddy McC is a true Scot when it comes to parting with money)!!!  Mummy McC bought Daddy McC a new jumper and then a treat to chill after the shopping - ice-cream time!!!

Wednesday 14th May - more birthday celebrations!!!

A bit of a relaxing morning - Daddy McC slept in bed a bit longer than normal!!!  After Nursery runs back and to and collecting the children from school, McC 1 met Daddy McC and took him to the cinema.  They watched a movie with Spiderman in it and both seemed to have enjoyed themselves (popcorn and hot dogs!!!)  Late home and hungry, another quick take-away ordered (well, it is birthday times!!!)

Can Mummy McC get away with any more celebrations?!?!?!  x


  1. Lovely birthday celebrations. Food and cake looks delicious.. happy belated birthday daddy mcC
