Again we have a normal start for Mummy McC - McC 2 up very early, followed by McC 3 and then McC 4! McC 1 didn't have much of a lie in either - noisy house today!!! The two visitors woke fairly earlyish too. One mindee dropped off as his mum went off to start her early shift. Breakfast madness wasn't too bad - toast all round today! Any idea how much toast 7 children can munch through??? One and a half loaves of bread!!! TOAST MONSTERS!!!
McC 2 and McC 3 wanted to chill with a movie - Alvin was the choice!!! All 7 children sat really still and really quiet - Mummy McC thanks Alvin for that!!!
Quickest nip round a car boot sale ever - in and out in about 5 mins!!! No major bargains, but McC 2 now has 5 of the Harry Potter books!!!
Daddy McC took McC 1 to enrole at a rubgy club - not Mummy McC's favourite idea, but McC 1 is so keen!!! The training session went extremely well and the coaches were quite impressed with McC 1!!!
Mummy McC dropped one mindee at performing arts class, two mindees back to their mummy and managed to squeeze a quick nip to the shops for supplies - all before lunch!!!
Mummy McC made a super cooked brunch today - so much food, not enough space for toast to fit on the plate, haha!!! Happy children!!!
McC 1 went to performing arts in the afternoon and McC 2, McC 3 and McC 4 played in the garden for hours!!! Mummy McC managed to catch up on some washing and Daddy McC did some housework (boring Saturday stuff)!!!
McC 1 returned from performing arts and all the McC's watched Matilda as they ate their dinner - Mummy McC loves to hear the children laughing at a movie.
Quiet time after dinner, followed by McC 2, McC 3 and McC 4 having a bath. Story time and snoring time followed shortly too - tired McC children. Even McC 1 sloped off to bed early - hard work playing rugby and doing performing arts.
Mummy McC and Daddy McC spent some time organising Daddy McC's game - Mummy McC likes the typing and computing and Daddy McC likes the matches.
Then CHILL before all the madness tomorrow!!! x
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