Friday, 9 May 2014

Friday night - Warrington Wolves night!!!

Warrington Wolves play rugby - Mummy McC does not know which type.  Mummy McC knows there are two - League and Union.  Mummy McC's brother plays one type and Warrington Wolves the other type - haha, not big on the Rugby idea!!!  It's all a bit strange, in one type you get to keep the ball regardless of tackles, but the other type you may only be tackled five times and then the ball is handed over to the other team!!!  Complicated points scoring occurs too - more than one point for a try and a kick?!?!

Daddy McC says that Warrington Wolves is Rugby League - this is the type of Rugby that McC 1 has started playing/training for!!!  Daddy McC says that Rugby League score 4 points for a try and 2 for a kick, but Rugby Union is 5 for a try and 2 for a kick.  Then it gets complicated for penalty kicks and Mummy McC's mind can't take much more - haha!!!

McC 2 and McC 4 are watching the match with Daddy McC - cheering and laughing, looking out for Wolfie!!!  So much excitement!!!  Warrington are winning - happy McC children!!!

Let's hope they win the match!!!  x

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